Monday, October 24, 2011

Taiwan Trip 06.10.2011

I was sitting inside the track, taking Taiwan high speed rail to Kaohsiung(高雄).

The view outside the rail along my journey to Kaohsiung.

My Taiwanese net friend helped me to book a room at 85 Night View for 2 night stay.

西子湾(Sizihwan Bay) 为位于台湾高雄的一个风景区。 西子湾的位置在高雄市的西隅,位于高雄市西侧,高雄港旁、万寿山西南端的山麓下,距市中心车程约二十分钟。 西子湾南面隔著海峡与旗津岛相望,是一个风景天成的湾澳。而最北端则傍著万寿山,是一处由平滩和浅沙所构成的海水浴场,以及以夕阳美景及天然礁石闻名的海湾。 西子湾畔有国立中山大学、蒋公纪念馆、高雄史迹文物陈列馆。

Sizihwan Bay is located on the west of Kaohsiung City. Situated between Wanshou Shan and Chichin Island, Sizih Bay is a sandy beach and with beautiful coral formations on the coastlines, offering magnificent views of the nature.

The most famous feature of Sizihwan Bay is its swimming beach. During the summer, the swimming beach is full of activities where sunbathers and volleyball players saturate the area. The beach is also known for its glistening blue water, gorgeous sunset, and natural coral reefs. As the coconut trees shuffle in the light ocean breeze and the white beach sand tickle the toes of beach-lovers, a tropical paradise is created at Sizih Bay. When the night approaches, the sunset appears.

The sunset at Sizihwan is acknowledged as one of the eight famous scenes of Kaohsiung. The beautiful glow of sunset extends into the water and sky where couples may enjoy romantic walks accompanied by the soothing sounds of the thrashing waves.

The view of the sunset at Sizihwan Bay is absolutely amazing and beautiful.

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