Friday, October 30, 2009

Conversation with Buddha

I told Buddha: Let all my family members and friends be healthy and happy forever...!

Buddha said: But for 4 days only.....!

I said: Yes, let them be a Spring Day, Summer Day, Autumn Day, and Winter Day.

Buddha said: 3 days.

I said: Yes, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.

Buddha said: No, 2 days!

I said: Yes, a Bright Day (Daytime) and Dark Day (Night-time).

Buddha said: No, just 1 day!

I said: Yes!

Buddha asked: Which day?

I said: Every Day in the living years of all my family members and friends!

Buddha laughed, and said: All your family members and friends will be healthy and happy everyday!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Nice to watch!

There is not much chance to watch Shirley Kwan singing on the stage in Malaysia. Luckily the sophisticated information technology gives me a chance to watch her old times performance in Hong Kong via internet. At the same time, I am requesting my friend to help me buy her 2006 & 2008 concert DVD, and her latest album released in June 2009 from Hong Kong. Although the price is not cheap, I still want to collect the original version. I just want to support her and I admire her as a female singer who sing with heart.


缘尽 - 刘德华/关淑怡

小城故事,执迷不悔, 真假情话 - 欢乐满东华1993 - 关淑怡/王菲

少女音乐短篇之我和五颗星的约会 1993

梵音+夜迷宫 - 1994香港小姐决赛

1994 TVB Charity Show

加港爱心大连线 1994 - 王菲/林忆莲/关淑怡/周华健/张学友/吕方

情人 - 世界CUP Beyond合拍精神演唱会 1994

千枝針刺在心 - 林子祥/关淑怡 (林子祥與你星聲相識二十年 1995)

容易受伤的女人 - 龙兄虎弟 - 关淑怡/文章

难得有情人 - 龙兄虎弟

週末任你点TV show, together with Aaron Kwok & Eddie Ng

Beyond 放暑假(3) - 关淑怡

乱了 - 劲歌金曲1995

情憑誰來定錯對. 印象 . 明天你是否依然愛我 - 关淑怡/谭咏麟 @助残扶贫献爱心演唱会1995

现场演唱募捐 星光熠熠耀保良 - 刘德华/关淑怡/郭富城/陈慧娴 1995年9月

芳華絕代, 今夜星光燦爛, 繾綣星光下 - 万众同心公益金2005 關淑怡/黃耀明

旧情复炽 - 关淑怡/谭咏麟 @星光耀保良 2005

Yesterday and Today, 一切也愿意, Dela, 关于我 - Live 大不同 28.12.2005

Duet with Hacken Lee in 名曲满天星 29.12.2005

明年今日, 凭着爱(关淑怡+黄凯芹+王菀之合唱) - 25届香港金像奖颁奖典礼 08.04.2006

一生中最爱 - CASH音乐成就大奖2007

只得一次 - APM放榜前的一個晚上 07.08.2007

TVBS Singing Contest 30.09.2007

Memorial Show for Lydia Shum, 02.03.2008

三千年前,忘记他 - TVB翡翠歌星贺台庆, 01.11.2008

Artistes 311 Love Beyond Borders 爱心无国界 01.04.2011

明星, 当年情, 似水流年 - Duet with Kay Tse in 30th Hong Kong Film Awards 18.04.2011

幻影,細水长流 - 翡翠歌星紅白斗 07.07.2012

關淑怡出席 [2009噶舉滿臨大祈願法會] 28.10.2009


「2009噶舉滿臨大祈願法會」將於12月在印度聖地菩提迦耶舉行,為籌5000 位僧人的食宿和車馬費,虔誠的佛教徒呂良偉前晚在尖沙咀百樂門酒家舉行「噶舉祈願大法會祈福素宴」, 筵開60 席, 每席也有善長買枱,席間除了呂哥跟太太楊小娟在場主持大局外,還有很多圈中人出席,包括關之琳及細佬、金牌大風的鄭東漢、Ba叔、向華強夫婦、向佐與女友Race、楊家誠、徐小明夫婦、關淑怡、王喜及貢米等,倪啟瑞及車婉婉擔任司儀,更有創古寧波車及數十喇嘛出席。



Saturday, October 24, 2009

First car wash 05.09.2009

I sent my car for car wash at SS2, PJ and took 2 photos using my phone while in the process of cleaning. At the same time, there was another MyVi too. Initially I decided to post them in my blog right after that. However, I only have mood to do so today. That is the reason why no new post in my blog recently. This washing centre offer 5 washes and get 1 free wash. They gave me a loyalty card to keep track the date I send my car there. The card is only valid for 2 months upon card issuance. Until today, I haven't sent my car for car wash again, so I think the promotion is void for me. Normal wash & vacuum cost me RM8 which I think the price is reasonable for me.

Sunday, October 18, 2009



