Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Back to work in SG (28.10.2008)

I back to Singapore again on 28 Oct with 8am bus. I called the bus ticket hotline on Sunday noon and had been told that only 1 seat was available. They don’t allow reservation except purchase ticket online with credit card. Since it was the last seat, I quickly ride my motorcycle to the ticket counter to get it at short time. The bus fare is RM80, I was given a light breakfast set and a hot drink during the journey. Initially, I guess lunch will be served, thus the bus fare is higher than the first bus which I took on 20 Oct and its' fare was only RM45.

The feeling is not good when back to work after a holiday. Back to workMy friend from Taiwan called me while I was in the bus. He talked to me regarding the blog that I wrote and expressed his idea to me too. I was happy because never expected he would gave me a call. I was so surprised and felt satisfy when there is someone who appreciate my writing and sharing of some thoughts at my space.

I sat at the last row in the bus. I saw 2 old Caucasian women sat in front of me, one of them put her bear toy at the seat and even brought it to the Customs checkpoint at Johor Bahru. I was so curious when saw it and thinking whether the woman is a friend of Mr. Bean?

I like bear

After I reached Sg, I quickly took MRT to client site for work. However, I received a call and an incident had happened. This incident gave me a lesson to be bewaring in everything in my life especially while at working environment. I should practice everything in formal way and follow the procedures, if any.


Today, I take a picture for client site’s building after my lunch. It is a new building and the design is unique. They just move into this building recently. The security is so tight here, need to show the access card to guard before is allowed to enter the lift. I work in the IT department and every doors need to present the access card to grant access, even toilet. This is new to me. However, I will feel troublesome for this.



Fusionopolis Way

Monday, October 27, 2008

Badaling Great Wall, 八达岭 (03.05.2005)

1. What a magnificent project to build up Great Wall! How thrilling!

2. Don't try this if you are not well trained!

3. At the car park. Can't imagine it is a car park right? I just took the photo and face to other direction, hehe..

4. After went to the Great Wall, I became a hero, just I don't purchase the certificate.

5. I felt faint after I climbed the Great Wall, maybe I lack of exercise and no stamina. The steps have not the same height, one is quickly exhausted. Other parts of the path are sloping. Do not forget to bring good shoes when you visit there next time.

6. An entrance and you can see many visitors because it was a long holiday in China for first week of May.

7. Took a nice photo shooting at the longest staircase in the world. Any comment for this picture?

Genting, 15-04-2006

Listen to me now
Most of the time, I concentrate in the work and seldom visit to any places in Malaysia. I went to Genting with my colleagues on 15 Apr 2006. There were about 10 of us joined the trip. Genting is located in Pahang state, West Malaysia, is full of various excitement games & entertainment. People can shops here, plays in the theme park, or have a Starbuck coffee and nice chat with friend while enjoying the coolness during 12am. What a wonderful experience when a group of us do this at 12 am and enter to casino after the hot coffee. After the plays in casino, we win some money and able to have a nice buffet the next day.

1. Take photo with 2 of my ex colleagues and decide what is our next destination & activities. Each of us gave the nice smile to Genting.

2. 4 of us were in a group, preparing to have a joy ride and the exciting game. Take out our spectacles first.

3. Take a photo again before we move into the entrance. However, our friend disappear after the game because she don't know the way to get out!

4. Took a photo at First World Hotel. What a colourful bulding!

5. His name is Alan, you can call him Alan!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

KL 26 Oct 2008

I took 5pm bus to go back to Kuala Lumpur on 25 Oct from Singapore. Initially I don’t plan to go back cause I just went to Singapore on 20 Oct. However, 27 Oct is Deepavali and this is a holiday in Singapore too. Therefore, I decided to go back KL. Due to late decision I made, I was not able to buy a morning bus ticket. The bus driver is an Indian and I asked him to drive faster so that I can catch lrt after I reached KL. In addition, it is double charge for any taxi if I take it after 12am. Driver told me that maybe can’t reach KL before 12am due to heavy traffic in the highway. He promised me that he would try to drive faster. I really thank him for the kindness. Even tough I never say it out. Finally, I was able to reach KL at 11.20pm, able to catch 2 lrt. I took a taxi back to my home at 12am.
Go to meet a net friend at Mid Valley on 26 Oct because he will go to Indonesia for his studies on 1st Nov. I buy a RM6.40 old movie DVD at Music Valley Jusco. The title is “It’s a mad mad mad world too / 富贵黄金屋”. I still can remember the story of the movie. The reason for me to buy this dvd is the two main actors already passed away, 沈殿霞 & 董骠. I feel that old movies are better quality than new movies, meaningful and joyful.

The story for this movie:

I took KTM when back from Mid Valley. I waited for long time for a train to arrive the station. Malaysia KTM service is so “efficient”, I guess every KTM passengers will agree with me. I listened to my phone’s songs. Found out that few songs’ lyrics are worth to share.

Erase you from my life

1. 心如刀割

2. 输得漂亮
错甚么 旧时做到太好之过
未跌低 就当做打和
怕甚么 越赢越怕最终出错
害怕输 习惯了赢尽最多

華語傳媒音樂大獎揭曉 蘇打綠稱雄 周雲蓬勝林夕 21.10.2008



本屆大獎上崛起的另一重要勢力是香港樂壇的音樂人們,最為突出的要數麥浚龍的TRIP-PO專輯《CHAPEL OF DAWN》,一舉奪下八項提名,成為本屆入圍最多的一張大碟。最終他擊敗陳奕迅和農夫奪下最佳粵語專輯這一大獎。上屆獨攬最佳粵語男歌手和年度藝人的香港“一哥”陳奕迅此番同樣來勢洶洶。拿下五項提名的他在蟬聯了年度藝人同時,更以《愛情轉移》拿下年度國語歌曲,顯示出他的影響力已拓展至整個兩岸三地。而他以往的重要搭檔,香港資深音樂人陳輝陽則憑一張《十二金釵眾生花》的概念合輯拿下六項提名,並最佳合輯獎,其中由關淑怡演唱,李香琴獨白的《三千年前》更因其音樂創意獲得評審團特別評選推薦的專業精神獎。老牌製作人鮑比達則憑《I Remember Leslie》拿到最佳爵士藝人,David Sum和Lam Wing Cheung憑《點指泰迪羅賓》拿到最佳錄音。

香港女歌手和新人同樣表現不俗,莫文蔚以“過江龍”之勢擊敗蔡健雅和許哲佩力奪最佳國語女歌手,容祖兒險勝何韻詩重登最佳粵語女歌手寶座,獨立新人李卓庭折桂最佳粵語女新人。而融合了HIP-HOP和BAND SHOW的獨立樂壇朱凌凌不僅入圍最佳粵語專輯,更力壓大嘴巴和卡奇社獨占最佳新樂隊/組合獎項鰲頭。

粵語樂壇在本屆大獎上的崛起不僅得益于香港樂壇的複蘇,而且也有賴于其他粵語地區音樂新血的注入。如本屆拿到兩項提名的美籍華人歐陽靖(MC JIN),為澳門拿下首個獎項的最佳粵語男新人小肥,還有從廣東轉戰香港樂壇取得成功的張敬軒。張敬軒在本屆大獎上一舉拿下最佳粵語男歌手和年度粵語歌曲兩項大獎,成為首名獲獎的廣東歌手同時,也成為“粵港共贏”的最佳例証。


他們的成功彰顯出本屆華語音樂傳媒大獎的兩大趨勢,一是標誌著獨立音樂的蓬勃興起,並成功在同一個舞台上戰勝了周杰倫、蔡依林、陳楚生等當紅偶像;二是體現出兩岸三地的音樂融合,如最佳新世紀/民族藝人陳升在內地的採風,最佳電子藝人林強與內地導演賈樟柯的合作,還有最佳搖滾藝人Carsick cars對Sonic Youth的學習,本土原創在與其他音樂人的合作,和其他地區音樂的對話中激出更多火花。因此,本屆華語音樂傳媒大獎不僅是獨立音樂的勝利、本土音樂的勝利,也是華語音樂的勝利,音樂本身的勝利。她將見証著華語音樂從此刻起,回歸音樂本身。

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Nevermind, Nirvana

Album: Nevermind
Category: Rock
Release Date: 24 September 1991
Singer: Nirvana
~ Kurt Cobain
~ Krist Novoselic
~ Dave Grohl
Vincent's song recommendations: Come As You Are, Something In The Way, Lithium, In Bloom

I bought this album in 1997 when I knew this album is one of the top 100 albums in the world. That time, I seldom listen to English songs, thus wanted to have a new try. After all, I never regret to buy this album. It is really a great album and would like to recommend to all of you here. “No music, no life!”

Track list:
01. Smells Like Teen Spirit
02. In Bloom
03. Come As You Are
04. Breed
05. Lithium
06. Polly
07. Territorial Pissings
08. Drain You
09. Lounge Act
10. Stay Away
11. On A Plain
12. Something In The Way



我知道你慌 我知道你乱 我知道你没了主张


不要哭 不要哭 就算月亮星星忘了守护

不要哭 不要哭 就算时间空间瞬间结束

爱是永远不会消失 从伤痛的地方开始


爱是永远不会停止 不过换个方式开始

拥抱过美丽的日子 感动会真实一辈子

我知道你怕 我知道你盼 我知道你不想这样


不要哭 不要哭 就算月亮星星忘了守护

不要哭 不要哭 就算时间空间瞬间结束

爱是永远不会消失 从伤痛的地方开始

记忆变成一床被子 能温暖心事

爱是永远不会停止 不过换个方式开始

拥抱过美丽的日子 感动会真实一辈子



A Song from A-Mei (Katsu)

Friday, October 24, 2008

缱绻星光下, Cuddling Underneath the Stars

爱慕从来是短 美丽从来善变
不相信这一天 如梦似在星空下再现
还感觉长像 半生远

震憾仍然没讲 爱念乃然未说
心声却早相牵 情话耳畔仿佛没间断
如经过排练 爱恋篇

看 星光在暖
在这夜前 从难碰见

昨日从来是等 这夜情难自禁
终于我这一天 能在这样星空下发现
迷恋你留在 我身边

A Song from Shirley Kwan