Sunday, April 27, 2014

Shirley Kwan Live in Casino Rama 關淑怡華瑪演唱會 26.04.2014

It has been about 7 years since the last time that Shirley came to Toronto for the Taipan’s concert. The show is going to take place on Sunday, May 25. Fans are expecting to hear numerous hit songs from the 90s.

Shirley Kwan, the popular Hong Kong singer from the 90s, had won the singing competition in 1988 at the Marine Blue Music Festival in Japan. The diva had signed a contract with Apollon in Japan and Polygram recording company and became a professional singer after she won the competition. The voice of Shirley had made a great hit during the 90s. As a result, she had various Platinum certification for her albums and won different awards in her career in the music industry.

Date: May 25, 2014
Time: 5:00pm
Venue: Casino Rama, Orillia, Ontario

For more information, please visit or call 416-646-8838. You may also follow Taipan’s official Facebook page at


關淑怡於1986年參加第五屆新秀歌唱大賽,雖未能晉身決賽,卻於1988年參加於日本舉行的第五屆「Marine Blue 音樂節」歌唱大賽中獲得總冠軍。獲獎後,關淑怡簽約日本「Apollon唱片公司」成為歌手,同時亦簽約香港寶麗金唱片公司,正式進軍香港、日本兩地流行樂壇。關淑怡曾經表示,在日本發展的寶貴經驗使她得益不淺。當時,唱片公司的政策,一年製作一張大碟,品質上控制嚴謹。此外,她與身邊不同工作人員的合作,以及音樂製作上所學到的知識,都對她日後的歌唱事業,打下了良好基礎。


1. 夜迷宫
2. 仍流著眼淚
3. 逝去的傳奇
4. Dela
5. 天規
6. 當世界無玫瑰
7. 一首獨唱的歌
8. 假的戀愛
9. Ex Favorites video
10. 忘記他
11. 眾生花
12. 地老天荒
13. 愛恨纏綿
14. 一切也願意
15. 戀一世的愛
16. 夢伴
17. 拒絕再玩
18. 陀飛輪 MV
19. 繾綣星光下
20. 李香蘭
21. 背叛
22. 叛逆漢子
23. 午夜狂奔
24. 人生可有知己
25. 難得有情人

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