Friday, November 21, 2008

First week in Beijing 04.09.2004 - 12.09.2004

We often took dinner at restaurant near our apartment during the first week we stayed in Beijing. There was a swimming pool at lower ground floor. (Today is 04.12.2009, I suddenly able to recall the name of this restaurant --"博雅西园会所", thus I update this post at the same time)

Graphic on wall
I never drink beer and it was my first time to have beer when dinner with managers. They ordered some beers and we found that beers are really cheap in China. Maybe beer is cheaper than drinking water too.

A tall building
A building of grandness near Tian An Men Square. It is a tall building too.

In the van
Some of my colleagues stayed at another apartment which quite far away from the client office, so my company hired some van drivers to deliver us to office. That Sunday, we took a chance to go Beijing city and each of us were prepared for great look in order to take photos.

Discouragement incident
We wanted to take a photo, suddenly a bus passed by and had became the background. It was a discouragement incident for us. All of us already stand by to give a nice smile.

MinSheng Bank Training Centre
This is the client office where I worked at for 13 months. Actually it is a training centre and bank staffs from different provinces will come here whenever training programs held here. First few months, we stayed in the room at second floor and then move to third floor because other vendor occupied it. In this training centre, there are canteen, chargeable accommodation facilities, tennis and badminton court, swimming pool, gymnasium room and other sport equipments.

In the street
I stayed at the apartment which was near to the office, sometimes we walked to work when driver didn't come to fetch us. Beijing was having fall season and brought blown sand at that time. Some of the new buildings there were under construction when we reached and finished built after few months, faster than our system development.

Car park
This is the photo that I took at my apartment's car park. Most of the cars made in China are black color. There are 2 entrances with guard house at my apartment. There is a small park inside the residential area. I went to the park with housemate when electricity broke down at night.

At Mc. Donald
I miss the pork burger sold in Mc. Donald China. It is my favorite choice and I always ordered it. No chance for me to taste it in Malaysia. I tried KFC before and found that it is not as delicious as in Malaysia. Local residents go to KFC for burger or ice-cream, not the well known fried chicken. It is so unbelievable!

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